Friday, September 01, 2006

Optimal Fetal Positioning

This has really been bothering me lately.

My midwife and doula (the former I respect, the latter I love) have been giving me a bit of pressure about my posture and the position of the baby. My doula not so much, just reminding me not to use recliners. But my midwife has given me a lot of advice about sleeping on my left side and doing the Cat pose. When she palpates my belly, she frowns and is a little 'concerned'.

The baby is ROA, I suppose. Oh well. It is where it is.

I asked another midwife about this and she told me to quit worrying. Babies are born just fine from ROA as from LOA. Doesn't mean the baby is going to be posterior in labor or birth. I felt better having someone else tell me this, rather than just hearing it from myself or my husband.

Where is the evidence that fetal positioning influences the birth outcome? Or the laboring process? Not that I assume it doesn't, but are there no studies on this? I'd like some real evidence one way or the other.


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