Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Leo has made some new connections the past couple of weeks. He is suddenly able to understand how to use the computer and can count to ten. Or rather, he can recite up to ten and sometimes twelve. He can count three objects, and I haven't tested that further.

What to do for his birthday? My folks will come up to visit, maybe we'll go out to HuHot's? I'm not sure if we should do a party with some friends over or just the grandparents and the family. It would be nice to have Aidan and his family over as we went to Aidan's party in December. And we haven't seen the Schafer's since sometime in early summer.

There are things I want to get into doing soon...projects and long-term/recurring activities I'd like to start: the 2007 garden; weekly playdates with TH/RH at our house; library story time; attending the health club;...anything else?

Gary's business is doing better and better all the time, with more clients in the wings. He is raising his rates as he is substantially under-charging (both in terms of what the market will bear and what we need to simply pay our bills). You can check out his up-and-coming website at gtoprojects.com.


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