Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Leo loves his baby sister. He talks to her and shushes her and wants to hold and kiss her. He really loves having her around. Really.

When I leave them alone together, I leave the room with two happy, smiling and content children. Two minutes later there is inevitably a scream of bloody murder from the baby. This afternoon I left Squishy asleep in the car to carry in the groceries and Leo chose not to leave the car just yet even though I unbuckled him. Just as I set down the groceries I heard Isa wailing and wailing. I found Leo just climbing back into his seat and when he saw me, he said "Oh no, what I did?". But he wouldn't admit to anything so I just sent him into the house. Later this afternoon, Squishy was happily sitting up against our pillows in bed, looking around and I left the room to get some water. I soon heard bloody murder screaming, the kind that is high-pitched and soon becomes frantic. I came into the room and her face was bright red and she was screaming so hard she was making no sound. Leo was beating a hasty retreat to the edge of the bed and again said to me "What I did?". I asked him what happened and he just told me that Squishy was crying. I then asked him if he should go stand in the corner. He quietly said "Yes" and got down and went to the corner himself. There are no marks on the baby, but he was guilty of something.

I guess I need to stop leaving them alone together for awhile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I was always terrified of leaving the kids together without supervision. I probably erred on the side of overprotection--which has it's own issues. Now that everyone's a little older I'm not worried so much, especially since the little one is much better able to defend himself these days! :)

11:23 AM  

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