Saturday, March 17, 2007


Our neighbor just couldn't stand our house any more. She decided that in return for my giving her some beading lessons (circular flat peyote), she would do a chore or two for me. Sounded perfectly fair and reasonable. But a chore or two turned into reorganizing our living room. It is SO much better and more comfortable now and G's desk is downstairs in 'his' room along with his instruments and the guest bed. We have unpacked 3/4 of our books and this gives us room for other boxes to be opened and reorganized (and purged!) and stacked down where the book boxes were. G is working on cleaning up the garage now that we have got rid of a lot of boxes and assorted junk that was in there.

We hope that soon the garage will be a tidy (or at least tidy-able) space. I want to get the back patio cleaned up for summer, as well, so we can enjoy the space comfortably.


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