Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm getting to the point where I just can't handle the every 45 to 90 minute wakings all night. So I've gone back to reviewing Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution. I am going to give it more of a fair shake this time, and stick to it for at least a month before I say it doesn't work. I am getting the baby more regular naps, and she's starting to get a bit better at taking them, and will even go down with just patting rather than just nursing down. Sometimes (every second or third day) she will even take a two or three hour nap. That is amazing.

She is going to bed at about 745pm now, which is a huge change (from 10 or 11pm). The first week we did this, she started sleeping very well, from 8pm to midnight or so, and then almost until 4am, and then again until almost 7am. It was unreal and I felt so rested! This week we are back to old patterns. She sleeps from 745 to 845 to 945 to 1045 to 1130, when I nurse her, then she sleeps until 130am to 2am to 3am to 4am, when I nurse her, then she sleeps until 6am if I am lucky, and nurses almost constantly until 7 or 730.

I have come very close a couple of nights to losing my temper. It makes me so angry to get no sleep, and the baby isn't even hungry, she just doesn't know how to settle herself. Well, she obviously can figure it out, b/c the first week she did so well.

Last night I came to bed at 9pm so I could get some rest before she woke up, but I just couldn't make myself sleep, waiting for her to wake up. And she did, every 45 minutes or so. I nursed her at 1130, then she slept until 1am, when I patted her back down and went to get Papa for his shift. He tells me the baby slept from then until 215, when she screamed until 415 (I'm sure he was patting her and singing to her), when she just *poof* went to sleep until 7am, when he came to get me. Poor guy, he took a 1 hr nap and got up at 8.

I will keep at it, keep giving her good naps (as good as she will take) on a schedule, keep putting her down to bed at the same time, keep putting her down 'amost asleep', keep nursing her every four hours (or when I hear the special nursing cry she makes when hungry), and keep patting her down to sleep when she's not hungry. We'll see who survives. Bleh.


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